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kowenicki said:
Kasz216 said:
leo-j said:
how suprising, didn't microsoft do some extreemely homophobic PR not too long ago.... against a lesbian or something?

Not homophobic, transphobic.  They had a biological male who was transgendered on the stage with some guys, then asked if there were any ladies that wanted to come up, because they only had men.


It was a hired comedian that said it, he was not an MS employee.  Also the person concerned apologised as she misheard what was said.  This was proven with recordings.

Im surprised the heavily altered OP and incorrect MS quote in the title is getting a free pass.

The gaf quote in the OP isnt acceptable, considering it is lies and serious flaming.

Microsoft hired the comedian right?

Also, are those recordings up somewhere online?  Haven't heard them.