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For me is all the Quantic Dream and Nauthy Dog games, not really the franchises, but whatever these studios come up with. I bought GTA5 day one and liked a lot, but the spin offs are not really day one purchases for me, I have all the handhelds but I don´t really like them, so, GTA, I guess.
Also, Killzone, love Killzone.
Not much else really, I used to love Silent Hill, but it really went downhill when the Team Silent disassembled. So, PROJECT SIREN I guess, since it is made by what is left of Team Silent: The Siren games and whatever Project Siren comes up with. Althought, they did Gravity Rush and I did not enjoyed it. So, the horror games that Project Siren comes up with.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.