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S.Peelman said:
SvennoJ said:


I agree that the extra resolution and added shadows make the game look 10 times better, yet at times I prefer the brighter color palette and contrasting shading of the original. That video shows them side by side from 0:49 at the same size and again from 6:05 in their original aspect ratio. I initially thought the new version was on the right before I enlarged the video to full screen, oops. The HD version looks a bit washed out at certain points.

I can see where you're coming from. And honestly it's a 100% personal preference. Personally I think the new look takes out a lot of the 'flatness', and makes it feel more 'alive' than the old version. I agree maybe calling the old version 'dull in comparion' was a bit sensationalistic .

True. I think you hit the nail on the head with the flatness. It's the contrast between the flatness and the 3D environment that stood out for me. When standing still it looks like a flat hand drawn still, then when you move or turn it changes into a 3D world, some of that magic is lost. The art direction is still fully intact however and looks even better then the Okami HD upgrade imo.

They forgot one thing, autosave. My 4 year old doesn't get the idea yet of saving your game, grown up with modern games that auto save. He keeps turning off directly when he's done doh! At least replaying the same stuff over and over never becomes a chore with Windwaker :)