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I completely forgot to mention this on here! My friend got a HUGE (no seriously) pay increase and bought an Oculus (dev version), 2 x GForce Titans (yowzers) and a VW Sciroco (the newest one. And apparantly it's the fancy "R" or something. God that car drives fast). Here's him letting my lady friend play his toy in our flat. 

So, my impressions:

- This is the biggest revolution I've personally experienced in gaming. I played Battlefield and Portal. I was excited like a little kid. A DEFINITE game changer in my opinion. You literally feel like you are inside the game.

- The gyros work amazingly and the movement is much, much more intuitive than I thought it would be.

- The resolution on the dev version is rather low. Despite seeing pixels though, I'd take that over full HD any day. ANY DAY.

- One of my friends got sick a bit after playing 20mins. I had no such problems.

I HIGHLY encourage anyone to try one out if possible. I wouldn't buy the dev version though, except if you have wads of cash lying around, because (as mentioned) the resolution is quite low and the price quite high. If you like fancy shit, then DO IT.

Mark my words, this will floor you.