Personally I was caught off guard when Wind Waker was revealed. I remember trying to make sense of it for months; "is this real", "is this the next true Zelda", "is this what the GameCube can do" were thoughts in my mind back then. I knew of the existence of the SpaceWorld demo back then, and I was expecting something like that but better.
However, after I got my senses back I got a GameCube anyway and Wind Waker shortly after on it's release day just because it's Zelda. I didn't care anymore, I just wanted more Zelda. Ever since I played A Link to the Past at a young age in the mid-nineties, Zelda has been my favorite gaming-franchise. Later though as I played through Wind Waker I began to appreciate the style for that game in particular, and began to recognize that it was actually quite the technically impressive game.
If I may nitpick the HD remake though, there's one thing that kind of bugs me and one thing that I think is a missed opportunity.
What bugs me are shadows cast from inanimate objects that often have major jaggies. Shadows like those cast by piers and buildings almost look like they come from stairs instead. It's not a resolution-issue, because shadows cast by animated objects like characters and waving trees are very beautiful and sharp. A minor thing, because the rest is beautifully remade. The sharpness, richness and brightness really bring out the idea behind the artstyle much better than the original did, which now looks dull in comparison. Text has a more fitting font as well and lastly I also greatly appreciate the improvements in the music.
What I think they could have added to make it complete, is the ability to draw and make notes on the map like you can in Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.