Incubi said:
I think Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time are all good games, but i always felt something was missing from them in comparison to A Link to the Past, specifically (which is my favorite) Takashi Tezuka and Aonuma should change positions - have Aonuma work on Animal Crossing and Tezuka go back to working on Zelda. |
No, I think there may be a better idea to making zelda a mega buster franchise like halo and GT and that's by getting a big team of developers with alot of inputs on the directors game design's choices so that the game will be more successful, after all just enforcing the vision on the game makes no progress, take for an example like what happened to metroid other m with sakamoto directing the game himself without taking any criticisms to his decisions.
That's also why I think Destiny will become a big hit with Bungie.