benji232 said:
fatslob-:O said:
benji232 said:
fatslob-:O said: LOL at people thinking I'm trolling. Just you all wait and see how wind waker HD will fair. |
Multiple points you've made lead me to believe you're either a troll or you're just plain stupid.
1. You said that pikmin 3 sales were bad (it sold 500k in 2months on a 3.5m userbase)
2.You said that Uncharted is a bigger franchise then zelda (Again, laughable).
3.Saying LOL in most of you're posts makes you look even more like a troll.
1. It is bad, just deal with it like how I deal with the sales for uncharted golden abyss is bad. Any title with a AA budget that doesn't get over a million is a flop and those are included.
2. That's why uncharted 3 outsold skyward sword on a smaller userbase. Hahaha your making this too easy.
3. Sounds like you have some problem with me.
Ok, il respond to that one since you're making this too easy for me.
You forgot about twilight princess? Which sold over 6.8mil copies on wii.
And did uncharted 3 require an add-on to play the game like SS with motion plus?
As for point 3, by saying LOL in most of you're posts makes you truly look dumb, no offense intended.
Drakes deception still outsold skyward sword. A franchise is only as good as it's last game regardless and this is even more sad considering nintendo is having problems trying to make a successor that can outsell twilight princess.
That's your issue not mine.