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fatslob-:O said:
tbone51 said:
fatslob-:O said:
tbone51 said:
fatslob-:O said:

US - 85k

EU - 50k

Edit: Well so much for the people here expecting for it to go over 700k lifetime.

Why? Nintendo gameshave the best legs in gaming (in terms of year spans)

Doesn't mean the market won't ridicule wind waker HD though. 

No way. Digital Sales might be doing okay for now but not even counting those retail should do good. Not like 3-5mil Success cuz this is a remake. But it'll leg out pass a million lifetime. Your prediction is 135k retail right? add 30k to it and thats around 170k World Wide (counting 5k for the rest of the world).You dont think a NINTENDO FIRST PARTY GAME will leg out pass 700k starting off with 170k First 2 days? REALLY O.o

Then why hasn't pikmin 3 already passed the 700k mark yet since it's a new game ? What makes you think that an HD remaster of one of the more rejected zelda game will do wonders for a system like the wii u. 

Edit: BTW I'm being extremely generous with my prediction here seeing as how I think it might not even get half those numbers. 

What the hell are u talking about? what does Pikmin have to do with anything?

Are u sure Wind Waker is one of the more rejected Zeldas? It sold more than Zelda 2, Majoras Mask, Skyward Sword, Links Awakening, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap and sold on par with Link to the Past which is considered by many to be the best Zelda ever and was on a console with almost 2.5x the install base. Yes Wind Waker got some criticism initially due to its artstyle but that didnt seen to hurt its sales by a whole lot and people are over it being "cartoony".

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.