fatslob-:O said:
Then why hasn't pikmin 3 already passed the 700k mark yet since it's a new game ? What makes you think that an HD remaster of one of the more rejected zelda game will do wonders for a system like the wii u. Edit: BTW I'm being extremely generous with my prediction here seeing as how I think it might not even get half those numbers. |
What the hell are u talking about? what does Pikmin have to do with anything?
Are u sure Wind Waker is one of the more rejected Zeldas? It sold more than Zelda 2, Majoras Mask, Skyward Sword, Links Awakening, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Spirit Tracks, Minish Cap and sold on par with Link to the Past which is considered by many to be the best Zelda ever and was on a console with almost 2.5x the install base. Yes Wind Waker got some criticism initially due to its artstyle but that didnt seen to hurt its sales by a whole lot and people are over it being "cartoony".
When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.