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Incubi said:
jake_the_fake1 said:
This thread should have been locked before it even reached it's 2nd post, and yet here it is alive and well at page 6 despite the stupidity that has been spouted here.

Makes me wonder if the mods are even doing there job, or whether the mods let this slide because it's a pro WiiU thread in a sea of negative WiiU news and threads....all I know is that a thread like this would be insta locked on Neogaf.

VG mods, step up yo game!!!

Actually, there is a similar thread on NeoGaf and is yet to be locked. The mods there seem even more lenient than vgchartz mods these days. It would seem there is a wanting to get people all riled up in console wars as it gives traffic. 

Nope, the 'similar' threads you refer to would be the 2 technical threads about the WiiU hardware, where the discussion is about the performance of the actual WiiU hardware, and while their may be some who post in that thread that the WiiU graphics could be close enough to the PS4/X1 but in 720p, no one there has yet made the absurd argument that the WiiU could have better graphics than PS4.

The title alone on this thread would be considered trolling and the thread locked on Neogaf. But even if you leave the thread tittle to one side, the content of the OP is the most absurd shit I have ever read, that alone would be considered trolling on any other forum but here.

It's not up for debate, the fact is both the PS4 and X1 are significantly more power than the WiiU. The only things than can be discussed is how wide the power gap is, like that gap between the Wii and PS3/X360 or the gap between the  Gamecube and Xbox, and or whether this gap would enable a clear visual distinction on the final product.

As for Neogaf mods being lenient, have you seen the latest wave of M$ shills getting banned for making the same claims in their posts about the X1 as the OP has done in this entire thread?  

There is a fine line between discussing your opinion on why X is better than Y for Z reasons, and trolling. One is just opinion and the other is opinion stated as fact despite the actual known facts existing for all to see, and then having these opinion stated as fact repeated at nauseum.

As for trafic, I agree with you cuz VGchartz needs as much as it can get, it has been barren for years when compared to Neogafs healthy community, It never use to be like this though, I was here when this site was just starting up, but I can tell you that the most damaging thing to have happened to this forum community is the Nazi like Nintendo biased mods, they essentially killed the community here, it was practically genocide if you supported Sony or Microsoft.

The mod situation has gotten way better since those dark days but the damage was done, this is something that Neogaf has better managed plus they have made it more welcoming to all including developers and PR people from the gaming industry, but have also kept a strict line on trolls and there bullshit. All this has resulted in Neogaf being one of the premier gaming forums on earth with a documentary to boot....something that VG could have had.

It would have been perfect cuz VG already has the sales/hardware numbers, so if it had that 'premier' like forum it would have been a killer site, one stop shop...sadly that ain't happening, most have moved on to Neogaf, it's clear when people here started posting up threads from Neogaf but got no where near the amount of replies.

In any case, this thread needs to be locked, in it's place their should be a thread discussing the performance of the WiiU that is currently known, that's my 2 cents on this matter.