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Eh, it's really just more about looking at what a PC is.

PC's offer a multitude of advantages, and it's big disadvantages usually boil down to a matter of effort, money or specific exclusives. (Which are negatives in every systems category, PC actually having entire exclusive genres more or less.)

A game like Skyrim for example, is dozen times better on PC then it is on console (Even without the bugs) due to the fan made mods for example.

In a way, the difference between PC and Console is similar to the difference between Consoles and Handheld.


PC elitists may be worse, largely because to put it in a blunt, PC's are elite in a way.  

At some point with consoles you'll hit a wall you can pass on PC if your really dedicated and willing to spend money/ like a wide variety of games.  So it's where most of the most enthusiastic gamers end up... as you are limited less by the hardware.

I mean, where else can you see people build giant ass entire new games out of things like Skyrim if they want to?  You can just do so much more with gaming on PC, and expiernce so much more stuff, and if you want to have a console box like expierence.