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Scisca said:
benji232 said:

A) Actually the point zero999 was trying to make is that 120k-140k in the holiday season is mediocre regardless of how much it's sales were increased by % and these mediocre numbers were because the vita did not have any system sellers. No one said holidays don't give any boost, what we are saying is that if you do have compelling software, the hardware sales will increase much more then just letting the holiday sales boost do the job. If the wiiU went in this holiday season having 0 first party games launching, the holidays themselves wouldn't have made the sales boost that much.

B) It's going to be holiday pulling the HW ans SW sales, not the other way round.  Not sure what's wrong with my eyes.

A) So we clearly just disagree here. Plus Vita didn't average 120-140k (I have no idea where you took these numbers from, probably from your butt), but actually went over 220k in a week, which is good in my books and I won't agree that it was only mediocre. Because where does exactly "good" start for you? 300k? 500k? Christmas did more for Vita than the price cut and a steady flow of good games in Japan. I hope it's going to repeat this year, though this Christmas is bound to be worse for Vita.

B) So it's the reading comprehension then. Try reading my whole post again and maybe you'll see why you're mistaken.

A) Yes, it had 1 week of 220k and the rest of the holiday weeks were between 75k-140k, so before saying that im pulling numbers out of my ass, please check the charts for yourself. Then again, this is perhaps a bit too much to ask. 

B) Apart from that, the upcoming games are good, but don't look like real system sellers.   Ok, so you're saying none of the games are system sellers.

 Nobody has ever bought a console for Sonic ;) 3D Mario is ok, but this one is controversial and 3D Mario is always less important than 2D Mario, which as we all know didn't do that much so far. Your pretty much saying that these games are all as big as pikmin 3 which is laughable (Pikmin 3 being a niche game and mario being one of the most iconic franchises of gaming).

All in all these games alone wouldn't have a much bigger impact than Pikmin 3 had (one for one, not 3 for one ;) ). So again, you're saying that 3D world is as big as pikmin 3 (laughable) and sonic (this one is a wild card). You also failed to mention wii fit U, wii party U and wind waker HD.

Then you concluded by saying that the holiday season would be the one pushing hardware sales and software sales, not the software itself. The logic is very flawed, mario 3d world will receive a big boost because it is mario 3d world, if it were for example pikmin 3, it wouldn't get big holiday sales. Same thing with the hardware.


Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M