Veknoid_Outcast said:
I'm not sure what you're saying in the first paragraph. Can you explain that a little further? I definitely think Metal Gear Solid was more anticipated than The Legend of Zelda: A Wink Waker. Over six million people bought Metal Gear Solid, and over 100 million would go on to buy PS1. Less than four million bought Majora's Mask, and less than 33 million went on to buy N64. As for your last point: I'm not saying hardware sells software; I'm saying that in the specific case of Wind Waker, its sales were limited by the number of people who bought Gamecube, not the other way around. A single game doesn't make a console, at least not in today's market. Even games like Super Mario 64 and Halo, two of the most important launch games in the history of the industry, didn't make winners out of N64 and Xbox, respectively. How could Wind Waker, even with a different art style and mechanics, hope to "save" the Gamecube? |
I will try to repond to you and irstupid in this post since you both seem to have the same idea.
Yes attaboy also brings some very valid reasons why MM did not sell well again. But I think you and irstupid are trying to downplay OOT popularity at the time to bolster WW image.
If as you say OOT was not much of a system seller at the time or not an anticipated game. Well I have a guiness world record book 2000's edition that list OOT as having the record for the most advanced orders at the time. Think about it, at a time when gaming was not as "mainstream" at the time without the popularity of the internet and what not OOT broke pre order records. If you were to put OOT into a Modern day perspective, comapring the amount of gamers back then to the amount now, OOT would be at the level of GTA V or a COD or whatever.
I will explain why this is significant . Gaming was for most intent and purposes a "niche" hobby back then once you was a "gamer" you would have followed gaming news no matter where it came from, so by extension you followed all your favourite gaming franchises with a lot more passion back then (I knew that Super Mario World 2 was not the same as SMW and was probably less than 10 years at the time). And as I just showed with OOT holding the largest pre order record at the time it was one of the most anticipated game with a very loyal following, because as I said in an earlier post it also built a reputation over nes and snes as a solid game.
Now all that is to say that yes people knew what MM was and they knew it was not in the same vain as OOT. And also that a next gen zelda was one of the most anticipated titles at the time up until WW reveal
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