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Th3PANO said:
Osc89 said:
Th3PANO said:

People who are complaining about the gamepad are mostly people who aren't willing to make a transition or who think it looks awkward and heavy. So it has to be awkward and heavy? The thing is the gamepad gives the Wii U it's own personality like Kinect 2 for the Xbox One.

It makes things possible we didn't have as a standard before. Typing is a dream on the Wii U compared to 360, PS3. Also navigation. The Miiverse is also another reason why the pad was a good idea. Sharing drawings is genius. Miiverse is very underrated.

Whining won't help, just stop complaining about and simply don't buy it then.

EDIT: Also it's interesting.... after Wii U almost every Console Maker intergrates a touch device on their controller, Valve, Sony, Ouya.....interesting isn't it. We wouldn't have those without Ninty ;)

It was silly of them to manage to make it look awkward and heavy despite the fact it isn't either of those things. People are used to seeing tablets like the iPad, which makes the GamePad look very cheap in comparison (despite the fact the Wii U costs roughly the same). It looks more like a LeapPad, but they are a quarter of the cost of a Wii U.

You seriously want a thintablet like controller? I don't cause it wouldn't feel right. They designed it like it is cause they wanted to make it comfortable. I don't want too hld a thin screen with some buttons for 3 hours.

No I don't. I think it feels just right, but I was surprised by that seeing as it doesn't look right.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89