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NightDragon83 said:
Somebody really needs to drill the mantra of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" into Nintendo's thick skull. Purposely changing essential features of your console like the controller just for the sake of being different from the competition is pointless in this day and age. It would be like someone coming out with a keyboard that is laid out differently than the "QWERTY" standard... sure some people might prefer it, but by and large most people who use it will just be wondering why they can't simply have a normal keyboard like everyone else.

This goes the same for Ninty's controllers.

The problem is Nintendo has to be different. They can't afford to make only a powerful system that's like Sony's or Microsoft's. They need something that makes them unique.

Also the changes Nintendo makes to their controllers influenced console gaming a lot. Nintendo brought the D-Pad. Nintendo brought the shoulder buttons. Nintendo brought the 4 button layout. Nintendo brought rumble. Nintendo brought the first analog thumbstick that worked well. Nintendo brought the first physical motion controls to consoles. Nintendo brought the first touch device on a controller. And everybody (besides MS) is copying them already. Sony made 18 years the same freaking controller. MS still does it. Only improving some things (like the Xbox D-Pad).

EDIT: Sega was in it's own league. They innovated with Nintendo when it comes to controllers. They didn't react all the time.