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Dusk said:
lt_dan_27 said:
Over half the games listed on the wiiu have average to low reviews. Batman arkham origins is coming to all platforms. It would probably take at least $600-700 to build a ps4 like system, and that's low balling. Xbox one would probably be about $550-600. I could build a PC with similar or better performance than a wiiu for the same or less. A problem with your "great graphics, better than current gen" is very misleading. A Honda accord and Lamborghini both have far better performance than a model T. But that doesn't mean they perform that same. Possibly the worst post I've ever seen. You've also neglected multiple exclusives on both platforms. And it's also unfair to pin up all of the exclusives that wiiu has made over a year versus exclusives being made in a month. By that math. the xbox one and ps4 have way more exclusives per month they've been released.

Wow, you need to look into computers more apparently. I'll price out and give links for similar specs as much as possible.

Mobo and APU. It's not possible to do a direct copy because they are so custom. So I chose the top A10 chip because it has the best graphics processing in the APU line but isn't as powerful as the one in the PS4, the CPU aspect of the chip would slap the crap out of the PS4 chip. $235

8 Gigs RAM DDR 3 2133 MHz (DDR 5 isn't avail on PC's only built in GPU's) $75

500 GB HDD $60

430watt power supply. Obviously the power supply in the PS4 isn't comparable by any means as it should have lower power consumption as consoles do so I chose a reasonable quality one that is inexpensive. $50

Blu-ray $70

Tower (very basic, but usable) $60

There you go. 500 bucks.


His exclusive list is not encompassing with any of the platforms.

Where is the graphics card? and the OS?