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platformmaster918 said:
kupomogli said:
platformmaster918 said:

Actually the HD collection is the first time I'm gonna try Kingdom hearts.  I figured now is a good time since they finally announced 3 to see if I will get into it.  I've liked FF12 and all the Pokemons.  I would be willing to try them out if they're more action based.  That's one of the main reasons I'm willing to try KH HD.  Would categorize those games as fast or action based?  I just hate outright turn based RPGs and ones that required 200 hours of grinding.

They're action based.  Also up to four player in combat.  While there's a good chance that you'll never be able to pull off a combo like this on Graces F, here's a combo video.

why wasn't the badguy fighting back at all?  Other than that looks kinda like my style.  We'll see how bad the Summer drought is because between all those PS3 games I mentioned plus Watch Dogs, Killzone, Knack, Driveclub (just cause it's free), Warframe, Planetside 2, Resogun, BF4, Infamous SS, Destiny, The Order 1886, the Crew, and some more I'm sure I'm forgetting that I'm getting for PS4 I'll be pretty busy through Summer.  Not to mention the other free games I'll be getting (mainly indies at first I'm sure) on Plus I don't think I'll have much spare time.

Notice after a certain amount of hits he  got s tun locked and then hit into the air a little bit.  Normally you don't start with the amount of attack points he does.  29?  I think I start with 10 and I've got to the end of the game.  Basically you have four level of attacks, one attack that goes into one of four level two, one of four level three, and one of four level four.  Asbel's secondary skill is his sword skills, so he'll draw his sword with o, and then his sword attacks might cost a certain amount of points.  There are other level 2, 3, and 4 attacks that you cost more points and you might hold the button down after using a level two attack for example.

Here's some regular non combo video battles.

That above is Tales of the Abysys.  PS3 game that's an HD Wii port.  Here's some from Xillia.