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This has to happen, yes, GameFreak and Nintendo are dumb for not even considering this. Saying nonsense like "Pokemon was made to play on the go, hence the name 'Pocket Monsters'" is a dumb reason, and it's no excuse to not make full RPG game for consoles. Saying it won't sell is bogus, because the Gamecube games weren't developed to the scale or ambition of the handheld games. An MMO would not be a good idea, but what would be the problem if they made a full 3D environment open-world RPG? It would be costly, but if marketed right, and if they had it tailor made for a console (still communicating with friends with other Wii U consoles), then it would sell a lot, guaranteed.

No, I don't count the console RPG games they made so far as actually trying to do something like this. They were destined to not sell well.