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Anfebious said:
Rankstrail said:
Anfebious said:

We could wait but the gen is over once the next generation comes! Still it doesn't matter how much it sold, the important thing is the games it brought us! The wii had some of the best games this generation if not the best!

That's your theory,

I also think the opposite about Wii games, well, don't bother.

Have a nice day

ps: of course as my avatar suggests I am still interested in Xenogames, but never got a Wii for that, I'll ask a friend to borrow the console I guess, since it will be out of stock

Well even without my theory I doubt they could reach the wii sales!

Really? Not even Super Mario Galaxy?

Yeah you should try Xenoblade, it's one of the best RPG of this gen

Sorry, I'm not a fan, never tried that, I'll add that to the list when I buy/someone borrows me a Wii.
Will I need the alternative controller to have a good time with Xenoblade? (wiimote+nunk good for that game?) I tried that for a few minutes at a videogames exposition and wasn't sure if it was comfortable for that particular game, since it doesn't use gyros and IR (am I wrong?)

Persona 5 on PS3, I won't need next gen!