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Seece said:
thismeintiel said:
Seece said:

You realise 360 shipped 1m this past Q and PS3 shipped 1.1m right? Before that we have no solid data and last holiday they were similar numbers?

How do you no it has no more boosts from price cuts, it hasn't even had one since 2008, unlike the PS3 which has had 3. I agree PS3 has a much better shot at 100m and passing Wii, but they're closer than you think, and it's not as if we're not seeing harsher drops for the PS3 than what the numbers here suggest.

Why just use the past quarter, which is a slow period, anyway?  And yes they sold similar during the holidays, but that completely ignores the fact that the PS3 outsold it by ~1.6M for the entire year.  And earlier this year, the PS3 passed the 360 and before the year is even over has created an almost 1M sales gap.  It's obvious that the 360 is slowing down much faster than the PS3. 

Of course the PS3 is going to have more price cuts than the 360, since it started out $200 more expensive, after all.  It's also not too hard to not have to cut the entry price, when you already cut it to $199, which was lower than the Wii's at the time. As far as boosts go, the 360 had a $149 Bundle on Black Friday, as well as all other SKUs being reduced $50 by MS, but was still down YOY for the week.  However, the PS3 at $199 was up YOY for that week.

So no, they aren't closer than I think.  MS is dropping support for the 360 faster than Sony is for the PS3.  And just overall interest in the 360 is dropping quicker.  Then you also have to think about the fact that Sony will be pushing the PS3 in the same exact markets the PS2 excelled in later in its life, while I don't see the 360 continuing too far beyond 2014.

Because that's all we have.

I don't use VGC as it's estimates so it's pointless having this debate, but until we get a breakdown of PS3 sales in the last 6 Q's we don't know anything. Still can't believe people think PS3 has overtaken 360 yet Sony have said nothing. Will it happen? Yup, possibly even with this Q's results. If not then the holidays.

The rest, I can't take your opinion seriously so lets agree to disagree, they're simply not as far apart as you make them out to be.

Wait, you don't think the PS3 has passed the 360, yet?  LOL!  You're right.  There's no reason to continue this debate.

Edit:  Actually, I'll do you a solid.  Here's my thread that contains all the info (the official numbers, not so much my estimates) on why we knew things were incredibly undertracked on here, and why they were changed.