Kresnik said:
Just thought I'd point out that you, personally, are responsible for this. |
There's a rumour about the comeback of SONY liverpool/psygnosis, but is a speculation based on that SONY registered the trademark PSYGNOSIS recently on July... So let's hope is gonna turn in the come back of those games.. Liverpool Studia had two games in development when was shut down... one was a Wipeout spin-off/reboot...
I personally loved 2048, one of my favorite games on Vita, bougth in a ofer at 20$ and enjoyed it a lot... it was one of the few games that hooked me until the battery drain out or make me play till late with the handheld plugged to the charger... was hard but very rewarding, looked gogeous for a Launch title, and still now looks beutiful... a shame I never played online because of my networks problem :/ but Someday I will!