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JoeTheBro said:

PeterSilenced said:

 Kinect V2 would not cost $300 if it was sold separately. The dev on Reddit (I assume this is how you got that number) later clarified he was talking about kinect development costs being on par with the console, not manufacturing costs. I do agree though that forcing a peripheral definitely helps its chances of catching on.

Porting will be an option but dont expect the same quality or depth for example i dont see ps4 doing these.

I wouldn't expect the same quality or depth either, but that's to do with the Kinect being better at some features, not because the PS4 cam isn't packed in.

-Identifying the player in split screen mode so that each has the screen of their controller

PS4 actually announced this feature before the the xbox one was even revealed. Kinect uses infrared lights on the controller to do this while PS4 uses the glowing section on the DS4. This doesn't need to use any info besides the controller's location relative to other controllers.

-Quick navigation and finding via voice (could eventually use)

PS4 already supports basic voice commands such as turning on the console and starting a game. It's not used in as many places as on xbox, but it's still there. You're kinda right about this one I guess.

-Reading heartbeat ideal for fitness or horror games

Up to devs' ability to be clever. Reading heart rate from a camera can be done with any cheap webcam and some clever programing. Don't know if Microsoft has an exclusive license to use this tech, but hardware wise it's very possible in a well light environment.

-Activating pre paid codes by just looking at it  (no longer need to input a long bar of activation codes)

I think this was also confirmed for PS4 before the xbox one was even revealed, but I'm not 100% sure. Definitely possible.

-See in the dark

Kinect wins hands down. This also accounts for it being better at a lot of things. In a well light environment, the PS4 camera matches these features almost exactly.

-6 people tracking

This is really a software thing just as much as a hardware thing. PS4 won't be doing it unless some dev dedicates a lot of resources to calculations. Also on this point, kinect v2 has MUCH better body tracking than PS4's camera.

-3rd parties have actually  shown interest in the platform -BF4 ,Kojima, that game company ,COD ,Harmonix . where is the ps4 camera support just playroom?

PS4's camera is being supported by its fair share of games. I know War-thunder for example is using it for head tracking.


Answers in BOLD

I've kinda gone off on a tangent and answered a lot of your points putting the PS4 camera on closer ground, but that's not really my point. Kinect v2 != PS4's camera so saying these differences (except for the last one) are because one is packed in and the other is not is absurd.

Fist of all i just pointed stuff that the camera does that the ps4 camera does not this was just to prove that porting to the ps4 camera will have compromises,i also said that the kinect would have cost 300 since the windows version is being sold at that price i also stated facts not possibilities or "this is also possible if" scenarios.

Reading heartbeat from a camera is easy? Didnt know that..I tought that you actually needed alot of technology to do that then i guess the kinect will just be more accurate at that feature.

The ps4´s is being supported by a fair share of devs clearly not the most important ones i should also say that kinect tools for development are a big part of the devkits that MS is puting in the hands of indies.