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Seece said:
johnlucas said:

After Nintendo killed WiiConnect24 instead of absorbing it into the Nintendo Network, Wii was essentially finished right then & there.
I said Wii would sell AT LEAST 240 million & it WOULD have if Nintendo kept striking with that console.
It was outpacing every record the PS2 ever made.
Inevitable that it would have been the best-selling home console of all time if Nintendo kept striking.

I now understand why they stopped striking with it.
Wii U will be the beneficiary of that 240 million number instead.
Wii U finishes The Revolution started in Wii.
John Lucas

It hit its peak well before Nintendo stopped supporting it, I dunno who you expect to believe this 240 million nonsense.

2008 was its highest year for sales then it dropped from there on out. It was getting amazing support in 2009/2010 yet sales still dropped.

Seece, I used to record the NPDs every month along with checking this site.

Think about the year 2010 when Nintendo went to sleep on the Wii in the middle of the year (much like they did in 2009).
XBox 360 did its redesign with the XBox 360 S with Kinect to come later in the year.
Everybody & their daddy thought the 360 would win the year & the holiday season of 2010 over Wii.
The headlines were already prewritten that this would happen. I remember this.
Nintendo woke up, put a few games out like Donkey Kong Country Returns, but most importantly just painted the console red with New Super Mario Bros. Wii pack-in.
Wii won the holiday season with the 2nd biggest monthly sales in the 7th generation (2.4 million) AND won the year of 2010 over the 360.
The year before in 2009 they had the biggest monthly sales ever PERIOD with 3.8 million in December.

When Nintendo put attention on the Wii, it sold. When they took attention off it, it drifted.
Nintendo stopped focusing on Wii after the 2010 holiday season & that's when the decline began.
That's what I talk about in the opening post of my UNITY thread.

2011 is when Nintendo was preparing the Wii U for the 2012 launch.
They could have topped the 360 & PS3 AGAIN in 2011 if they pushed for it.
Wii didn't stop selling until Nintendo abandoned focus on it.
You can't use that "it already peaked" line on me. I saw the numbers each & every month.
Only when Wii dropped out did the 360 look like the king in America.

If they continued to push with Wii, it could have sold those numbers eventually.
Nintendo didn't like how the 3rd party reacted so they withdrew the Wii to break their obstinance with the Wii U.
So Wii U will get what Wii was supposed to get. And they will get those numbers once they unify the industry.

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot