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the_dengle said:
oniyide sa

well you have to start somewhere and here is UBisoft starting, BUT if it is too late then they might as well just pull the plug to hell with how forum goers feel. Pull the plug now make the games that sell on Sony MS systems and then make whatever sells on Ninty ones and call it a day. Everyone is happy that way.

If you (and Ubisoft) concede that they're just getting started, then you should be able to adjust your expectations accordingly and not blame Nintendo or their consumers when games sell less on Wii U than on any other console.

Wii U didn't launch with a Killzone or Halo game. It's not going to attract as many PS3/360 owners as the PS4/X1 will; that's obvious. Third parties have to build their brand power on Wii U if they want to sell their games to that market. That process takes years. Dropping a few games on the system and backing out after a few months or a year is not a strategy for success on a new platform.

That is if third parties WANT to have success on a new platform, unless that requires too much effort for them and they want their games to practically sell themselves by default as on Sony and Microsoft platforms.

Just don't pretend in a few months that there isn't a very good reason Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty and so on are selling better on PS4/X1 than on Wii U.

its not about the WIi U version does compared to other consoles. Ubi is not expecting sales of multiplat games to match those of PS360 of course not. THe issue is that the games are not selling decently on their own. They are not putting up the numbers they SHOULD be putting up for a new console on the market. If they are not selling up to snuff then Ubi would not be wrong to just pull the plug or lower output and no one could really blame them.