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thismeintiel said:
landguy1 said:
thismeintiel said:
TruckOSaurus said:

From what we currently know, yes Kinect is not a required component for gaming on the XBO. Just like we know now that the Blu-Ray drive was not a required component on the PS3 (because a DVD drive would have worked just fine).

Lol, with that logic, we should have just stuck with CD players for all consoles and VHSs for movies.  Games kept getting bigger with each gen.  Sony knew this, as well as the fact that there hadn't really been an advancement in the way we watch movies (including the quality in which we watch them), for nearly 10 years.  This was just the natural progression in which we store games and movies.  It was evident it was needed, even in the 7th gen, as several games on the 360 came in 2 or more DVDs.  It is also better that Blu-ray released last gen, as the advances in the tech, as well as the price reduction that comes from those advances, will be applied to the PS4 and One.

Kinect, on the other hand, seems more like a remnant of a motion control fad from last gen.  One that slowly died as the gen began to die.  This is evident in the fact that Sony and Nintendo are no longer focusing on motion gaming as a big factor to gaming, only incorporating it in small doses.  Heck, even MS hasn't really demonstrated a use for the new Kinect that a normal web cam/mic couldn't achieve with decent SW, especially the voice commands.  They don't even have a launch game, other than 2-3 rehashes from last gen, that pushes the Kinect to the forefront.  Even Ryse, one of their big exclusives, went from a Kinect game to a controller game.


No one has stated that the Bluray wan't the next step in evolution of the disc drive systems.  All that has been stated is that it wasn't needed last gen for a GAME system.  No need to bring up movies, as that is not a GAME system requirement.  The whole point that people knock on the Kinect being added into the XB1 is that it is not a requirement, it is an additional thing that is not needed for a GAME system.

The 360's muilti-disc games, as well as MS switching to Blu-ray, disagrees with you.

Nintendo doesn't use Blu Ray.  

Blu Ray was anti-consumer last gen if kinect is this gen.  It was an extra added that was NOT needed.  PS3 could have still worked with a dvd drive instead of blu ray.  The Blu Ray drive was an un-NEEDed expense.  It was not NEEDED.  No arguing over if it was a good thing or wanted, the fact was it was not NEEDED to play games.  A cheaper alternative would have worked (dvd drive) or any drive, hell Nintendo hasn't ever even had a dvd drive.  Not sure what you call them, but they have never been able to play dvd's or blu rays or any type of movie format.

So is adding something not NEEDED anti-consumer?


is what you guys seem to be arguing "Whatever I don't like is anti-consumer"  You liked blu ray and thus thinks its a bonus gift, you don't like kinect and thus think its anti-consumer.  So OPINION it is.   But difference is, some games REQUIRE kinect to play.  No games require blu ray to play.