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Max King of the Wild said:
landguy1 said:
Max King of the Wild said:

Look, we are going in circles here and you lost. Just accept that

Huh?  The bluray cost about $100 per unit more than a DVD drive.  That means that sony made that CHOICE for us.  They must be anti-consumer then.

You are acting like an idiot. (Kantor:  "Acting like an idiot. Subtle difference, plus he went on to explain why. it fell just short of being modworthy.")

First of all, no one said MS is being anti-consumer (except a terrible journalist) with the camera. Secondly, the blu-ray drive didn't cost $100 more. And finally, we go back to the thismientel's point. By that logic we shouldn't have 4gbs of RAM since it's more expensive than 4 and the Wii U proves that you just need 1gb.

The extra RAM is required for the games the PS4/XBO want to offer. The Blu-Ray was not.

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