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curl-6 said:
oniyide said:
curl-6 said:
oniyide said:

then buy it for WIi U. And if there is not WIi U version buy it for the console that you already have. Thats the point of being a multiconsole owner. Wait... you dont have a Wii U you really dont have room to talk

I'm getting one very soon. I hav already bought Need for Speed Most Wanted U. 

If third parties try to make me choose between a fully featured version and a version with more interesting controls, I'm more likely to just tell 'em to get stuffed and spend my money on something else.

well. whatever floats your boat. I personally think its silly to get worked up over a console(and buy games ) for said console you dont even own. Especially if you already have a console thats going to get most of the games anyway and if it doesnt you still dont miss anything.

As a consumer I vote with my wallet for what I want. Companies have to earn my money. I can always get games I don't want to support cheaply second hand down the track and still enjoy them. A wait won't kill me.

you're right about that