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I might not buy it either. I got diamond and got bored before collecting the seventh badge but quit there. Pokemon X/Y is just a better graphics version of the same game that released on Gameboy with new Pokemon, a slight few new quirks like two Pokemon battles and every Pokemon having two types with even more types, etc. The games progression is always the same, beat this evil corporation while collecting the eight badges. It's basically the exact same game in a new world.

Then again. The graphics. That's the reason I bought diamond. I might give it yet another chance because of the next graphics upgrade :P. Then be disappointed yet again. I did like Blue back then, put in over 100 hours, but I'm just all Pokemon'd out because it's always the same game.

RolStoppable said:
I am with you. No Pokémon for me.

By the way, is SMT: Soul Hackers a dungeon crawler like Etrian Odyssey? Watched the trailer on the eShop and got a brief glimpse of movement in first person perspective, turn based battles and the typical SMT demon fusing.

Soul Hackers is disappointing even for an older SMT title.  If you haven't yet purchased it, purchase SMT4 instead.  The problem with Soul Hackers is that the demons are a joke most of the way into the game.  Any demon that uses magic that isn't a buff, the magic spells early on will be incredibly weak.  You'll take off more damage with your main two characters, just make sure to level them up properly.  Your front row demons won't have any attack skills until mid game either, so they're going to do nothing but attack.  So most of the game you'll have two front row demons and your main character attacking, while a back row demon who is there for healing, another back row demon that's there for no reason at all other than to be there and conserve MP(probably for buffing,) and Nemissa who will be your magic damage dealer and other main healer if you need it.

When fusing demons transfering abilities you actually want to a new demon is going to be like winning the lottery.  It's rarely going to happen.  SMT4 makes it too easy, Soul Hackers makes it near impossible to get a great demon with good skills.  Not until end game when the demons already start with the skills. 

It's not a terrible game, but it's "okay."  I'd recommend almost the entire series before I'd recommend it.  Except for the Raidou Kuzunoha games.  Those aren't good in my opinion.