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Adinnieken said:
Stefan.De.Machtige said:

That's the reason Wii fit sellls - it's a combination of light entertainment, exercise and price.

It's rather difficult to sell an expensive entertainment device as an intensive cardio program.

I disagree.  The reason Wii Fit sold so much so quickly is on the promise and belief that it could be a good exercise program.  I have a friend, very fit girl, who used it religiously but could never get anything out of it.  Eventually ended up going to a gym to workout.

It's a decent physical theraphy tool, do doubt about it.  When my father was receiving physical theraphy they used one with him, and even recommended buying one for him (he didn't want to spend the money on one).  That aside, Wii Fit doesn't really offer any benefit excercise wise.

The sad fact is you can sit all day in place, and you will still burn more calories than you will using Wii Fit for 30 minutes.  It just doesn't push you enough.  You have to get the heart rate elevated for a period of time to really benefit from any excercise program and the Wii Fit just doesn't do it.

It does get people moving, and it does get people thinking about excercise, but to say the Xbox One is significantly more expensive than the Wii with Wii Fit is just plain wrong.  If you, at the time it was first available, bought a Wii and Wii Fit, you'd have been paying $350 combined for an exercise routine that accumulatively did nothing for you of any significant benefit.

For $560, on Day One, you don't get one cardio workout, you have four.  Four routines that you can use throughtout the year to try and workout to to find which level of intensity meets your needs.  If you buy the P90X program and realize it just is too intense for you, you've wasted $300. 40% of monthly gym membership fees goes to waste annually.    So of the $660 people on average pay for a membership, $264 of it is wasted.  Every year!

My guess is Microsoft will offer both a yearly and per month sub for Xbox Fitness.  If so, my guess is both will be reasonable since there is little cost overhead. 

It's named Wii fit and not Wii bulk up.

Having a routine of real cardio work sounds like work for most people. Wii fit is designed to appeal to those people who would enjoy joga and such. You're smilling, feeling good and are getting some excersise. It's something relaxing to do after a stressfull day... and you even burn some calories.

I seriously doubt people would lay down $560 down for a 'cardio' Wii fit version.

I think that most people don't associate that with the living room or an entertainment device in it. Isn't that something they associate with outside? Going running. Riding a bike. Walking the dog for a couple hours - i do that myself in the weekend :)

I might see Nintendo push some cardio related DLC, maybe for like 20 bucks, later on. If so, i doubt it will sell that much. For the reason above.

In the wilderness we go alone with our new knowledge and strength.