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kitler53 said:
i keep seeing "free for a year" and i don't know that you misunderstand it but i feel like a lot to. it is "free until dec 2014" so it's only "free for a year" for day-1 buyers.

also i'm very curious to see the subscription model they use after that free period is over.

lastly, how valid this pricing comparison really? i mean how many people really have all 4 programs?

The point of the four programs and comparing pricing is the fact that entering a workout program you may not know which one is suitable for you.  With Xbox Fitness, at least during this first year, you can literally try all four for 90 days each and figure out which ones you may want to stick with.  If you buy into one program, you may find it doesn't work for you, then you may try a second, a third, etc.  There are more than just four, but I think Xbox Fitness is trying to give a decent set of workout routines for varied level of effort.  I certainly wouldn't be able to do the P90X program, but I may be able to build up to it eventually.

A subscription model likely also reduces the costs for most people in the long run as well.  I imagine Microsoft will offer a 30-day trial, then after 30-days either a month-to-month subscription and a yearly subscription.  The month-to-month being the best and most obvious choice for non-committal users.

If they add in new excercises for each of the programs as you continue on, or possibly even new workout programs, I think it could grow as a platform.  In otherwords, you won't see individual programs like "Nike Sport Fitness" or "Zumba".  You'll have Xbox Fitness and within it you have optional workout programs you can purchase and use with your subscription.