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Blood_Tears said:
Free app with $60 Gold sub. Got it. It might have potential in the long run but initially probably won't have a "huge impact" on a $500 console with a $60 gold plan plus tax. Then after your first "free gold year" you need to pay a sub fee for this app.

Jesus Microsoft why do you put everything behind a paywall? Why would anyone who wants to do fitness routines buy this over the actual fitness routines that these 4 consultants already have such as P90X etc which is cheaper then this whole concept..

A 90-day program with P90X is over $300.  The Xbox One is $500.  The average gym membership price is $55.  Xbox LIVE has a $60 per year subscription price.   

The Xbox One isn't a single purpose device.  Thus, a person isn't spending $300 or up to $3500 for a single purpose device that they may never use again.  They can use the Xbox One for not only playing games, Skyping with friends and family, playing music, watching TV or movies, but for a whole lot of other features that are possible via apps. 

That's a $500 one-time price, and unlike the Wii, or Wii U, won't just sit there because there aren't games or other features available if you get too lazy or bored with the workout. 

My guess is a lot of people will take advantage of this if it's advertised in fitness, health, and wellness magazines.  And I'm guessing some gamers who normally wouldn't use fitness applications will probably try it out and a percentage of them will actually actively use it. 

If you've ever listened to Major Nelson's podcast, you become very aware that the people involved with it and Microsoft in general is very up on fitness.  And it has nothing to do with their products.  FitBit and Nike Sports Band both get frequent mentions.  They may not be representative of the 20-something crowd much anymore, but they are representative of the video gaming community and like most adults over 30 are keenly aware of the need to be fit or get fit.