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MohammadBadir said:
fatslob-:O said:
MohammadBadir said:
fatslob-:O said:
MohammadBadir said:
fatslob-:O said:

Sounds like your mad alright so it must mean that I did struck a nerve LOL. Showing your weakness before the fight even started and such a shame that my opponent already forfeited. 

you remind me of those guys in 80 commercials.

i'm not mad, you apparently are though.

The WII U is weak deal with it. If I'm mad then you must neverland hoping that the gods at nintendo can give a lift to the wii u hardware LOL. Hahahaha it's funny to see warriors from all sides go at it. 

whatever makes you sleep at night.
no offence but you take this console war WAY to seriously.

You've being exposed son. Just deal with your insecurity LMAO. I'm having too much fun pulling your strings buddy and your being played like a puppet XD. Hahahaha, all of this drama and crying coming from you is too hilarious. 

you're acting like my 5 year old cousin when her sister took her ice-cream.

cry more.

Exposed!. Exposed!. Exposed!.

Hahaha, look at you wallowing in your own despair but deep down you know that the wii u is weak but nintendo just can't have your programming being changed to fit this laughable war.