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Earlier today, talk regarding the next generation versions of Ubisoft's "Watch_Dogs" was put under fire regarding display resolutions and frame rate speeds. In an interview with Jonathan Morin, creative director, discussion of what gamers could expect on their respected platforms, be it the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Wii U, PC or current generation machines, was gone over. He had this to say:

"Right now the frame rate we're focusing on is a steady 30FPS, There's always a balance, especially for open world, between the simulation and the rest. I think for where we are, the most important thing is the steadiness and ensuring that it's always capped the same so when you play it, it feels right."

The point of interest came when Morin refused to acknowledge the final resolutions of the title on each platform, simply stating that he was "unsure." Intrigued, sources were contacted with connections to the project. What was discovered was not surprising, and if anything should make sense of what platform holds the most potential this upcoming generation. When asked what the final resolutions of these titles were shooting for, the answer's was almost as indecisive as Morin's, indicating that the team may still be working on optimization:

"720p on PS360, 1080 on PS4, TBD on Xbox One"

When asked if the difference was noticeable, the answer was clear:

"Big difference between last generation and next gen. You can see it. PC can hit up to 60fps 1080, but I think they are aiming for parity with PS4"

From there, the question of frame rate was put in the air, as the Xbox versions of multi-platform games have always seemed to be in question as of late:

"Both hit 30fps easy. I think Xbox One suffers a few dips from 60fps. PS4 is pretty smooth. Definitive version"

Finally, the idea of the Wii U being "between" next generation, although believable, was still questionable as most Wii U ports are simply that, ports. When asked the truthfulness behind this, the answer was... honest... if anything:

"Meh. Wii U is on par with current generation, to be honest."

So there you have it, the PlayStation 4 version of Watch_Dogs is the definitive version, lining up directly with what most developers have been saying regarding both next generation consoles. Keep in mind, these are not confirmed numbers, just rumors from a trust source, so take everything with a grain of salt.