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I'm guessing this has to deal with Watch Dogs.

As I said about over 9000 times before: Developers will not make a superior version of a multiplatform game that looks so damn much better it will put the console to shame, the exception being next gen systems vs current gen. Low and behold this "source" claims that as I said before. So while there might be better be shadows or something along those lines for the PS4 version of Watch Dogs, they will be equal in overall looks and frame rate,

So once again as I've stated over 9000 times before: You're either buying a PS4 for the exclusives or your buying a XB1 for the exclusives. Multiplatform games will be nearly identical. I expect the same every gen.


This is good for both sides. The selling point of the system should be the games, not some slightly touched up graphics. We have a PC for those things.

It's just that simple.