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sales2099 said:

You know what he is saying......that the sales ratio of each game should reflect the critical acclaim.

I will try to explain something but you guys will disagree with me but well I will try...

More gamers didn't like Sim Racing... they think games like Forza and GT boring and not addictive... they prefer N4S, Mario Kart, Horizons, DriveClub, etc over GT or Forza.

With that in mind remember something...

Forza is critical acclaimed a better game than GT5 but otherwise GT5 is critical acclaimaed a better sim racing.

So if you are a sim racing fan what game you will buy? Most people gets what the best on what they are looking for... when they think "I want to buy a sim racing" most choose "GT5"... now if the people "I want to buy a racing game" maybe they choose "Forza".

It is not too hard to undersdand... all specialized racing simulation magazines in US says GT5 driving phisics simulations are top nouch.

Edit - About your edit... if I don't create the thread nobody will create... after that MS fans will complain about the lack of Xbone news in the site... I know I get a bit over myself in these threads but I think it is better to have it than nothing... the video is in the OP download a make a comment without added GT to the case because is not even in the next-gen.