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Imaginedvl said:

lol as always... numbers out of your ass :)
Change it for "every single GT reviews in the world disagree with you and over 90% of GT fans..." and it will be more accurate in my oppinion...


Read all dam Forza 4 and GT5 reviews... everyone have the same conclusion... overall Forza 4 is a better GAME but the driving physics in GT is in another level.

Show me one specialized sim racing reviews that said the Forza have better driving physics simulation? Justo one.

And no... it is not GT fans... it all the sim racing fans (PC, consoles, etc)... only some Forza fans thinks it have better driving simulation... everybody else (included the hardcore PC sim racing fans) knows the GT5 do a lot more physics calculations than Forza... I already posted sometime here what GT5 calculates that Forza don't.

So you need to support your clains.