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I consider myself a fan of movies. I watch all different types of films from the old silent films to the modern Special effect potboilers. However the popularity of certain movies elude me not to say they are horrible films but some movies just seem kind of bland and generic to me. Take for instance Gladiator or Braveheart both movies are critically acclaimed and box office smashes but neither movie rings with me like Fury(1936) or M did or 12 Angry Men.
I have only ever walked out of two films in my life Snake Eyes was one the other was Independence Day. Their are only 3 films I have not been able to sit through and the Godfather is one of them. To me it is a dull film and I found the characters to be uninteresting.  I would choose any Roger Corman film over this series because there is more life in those films even if they are low budget. IMO "The Terror" is a better film than the Godfather.

I do like many films though don't get the wrong idea. Some of my favorite movies include Yojimbo, Kelly's Heroes, Dr Mobius, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, Dr Stangelove, Indiana Jones, Schindlers List, Dirty Dozen, There Will Be Blood, Infernal Affairs, Rashoman, and so one. My favorite movie of all time is Rear Window.

I like to think that I do have a wide variety of taste for movies and that I can sit through movies of any pacing but I have to say that as a matter of opnion that the Godfather 1 or 2 or 3 and Citizen Kane do no do it for me.

If I want to watch innovation on film I will watch Man With A Movie Camera or Rules of the Game. However the gadfather from what I have seen isn't even that innovative so it doesn't even have that going for it( Citizen Kane at least had that to keep my interest)