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To be fair TW2 was designed to be ported to consoles, and they still had to rewrite the lighting engine from scratch, update their memory management system, cut several effects and still had to cut up several levels into smaller chunks just to get it to run. And took a full team almost a year to port (with many new assets), I wouldn't exactly call that ease. TW2 is more a triumph in great art direction than anything anyway, it's not like they were pushing mindblowing tech just really great assets.

CDProjekt did a great job on the port tho considering it was their first console game (and such a small team)

TW3 looks much better technically and it's fully open world and pre-alpha

This post really supports the point I'm making - despite the huge amount of technical advances encapsulated in the PC version, it still looks only incrementally better than the console version. I agree 100% with you that CDProjekt dit an amazing job, but is The Witcher 2 an example of the "never seen before" graphics that await us with the PS4? In that case, I'm not hugely impressed.