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Zero999 said:
badgenome said:
Or most people who have a PS3 are planning on getting a PS4, so they aren't missing out on anything.

even if the entirity of ps3 owners had the intention to upgrade, most of them do it after 3 years of the console release. that's a lot of people waiting far longer than they should, to play a game that should be on the previous system. 

ummm interesting... people that wait and are really craving for a upcoming game are the one and the same that buys their consoles late into the generation?

strange logic here...

also @OP
not that i really know anything about bayonetta (besides playing the demo and don't like it), but the issue i do remember about it was the changing completely platforms between the first installment and the second (first PS, XB - second, nintendo only) and some logic apply in the complain, why is a game jumping platforms completely making the first installment buyers into strangers and strangers into followers of a already ongoing story??? in the FF case... PS players would still have the game in their platform of choice, not exclusively, but it will there non the less...
not that is care... but common sense apply here... no need to put that much though into it to find it...

edit: grammar

Proudest Platinums - BF: Bad Company, Killzone 2 , Battlefield 3 and GTA4