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I'd be interested to see if anyone had any hard numbers (not anecdotal evidence which is all I've ever seen anyone come up with - including this thread) that the 3D on the 3DS is actually used. I say this having purchased a 3DS back in 2011 (I got it early even before the ambassador games were even announced) - I almost never turn on the 3D. When I get a new game I usually turn the 3D on to see what the title screen and maybe the opening scenes look like in 3D, get frustrated when I can't get the 3D to work right and it starts to hurt my eyes and head and turn it back off. I've put something like 500-600 hours in on my 3DS, I bet less than 10 hours have been with 3D on if that. I realize that my experiences are just anecdotal as well which is why I'm interested to know if there are any numbers on how much it is used.

I doubt that the 3D is a major reason Capcom brought Monster Hunter to the 3DS and that the fans came with it. Capcom put Monster Hunter on the Wii even though it was on PSP/PS2 before that because the Wii was hugely popular at the time. The PS3 got a port later because it was(and still is) popular at the time. WiiU/3DS got another port of 3 (MH3U) because the 3DS is quickly becoming the big console in Japan (and the Wii U was just icing on the cake). MH4 is most likely on 3DS, not because of the 3D but, because it is the hottest thing around in Japan and Capcom was betting it would be (and will be) for a while. Wii U probably didn't get a port (yet maybe) because they were dissapointed in the Wii U's MH3U sales versus how much a port would cost. Now they have a bunch of profit from this so maybe we'll see it in the future.

Systems Currently Playing: WiiU, PS3, 3DS

Also Have: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, PS1, N64, PS2, Wii, GB, GBC, GBA, DSLite, DSi, Android (RazorMax), iPhone (4), iPad (2)