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BloodyRain said:

Some people, especially on the internet use the term "dudebro" for some games in a negative way, which includes the likes of halo, cod, bf, madden, killzone etc. Do people just not like them because they are more successful then there preferred genre title? Is it something else entirely? I enjoy alot of this so called dudebro games and don't really see whats the problem with them. They obviously appeal to a ton of people, just look at cod sales every year. Some titles may lack innovation like madden and cod, but they are still relatively enjoyable games if you are into those genres. Some people act like they are the plague or something. What do you think of them? Is it just the internet being the internet?




The problem is, that this is what the industry has become. The reason that CoD and Madden and Halo, and Assasin's Creed, etc. sell so well every year, is because we now live in the "GameStop era" of gaming, wherein there is a whole new generation of what I refer to as "GameStop kids", who are gamers that literally only seem to care about the "big blockbuster AAA titles" that come out, that GameStop urges them to pre-order, which they do, then beat it, play it online for awhile, and then trade it back in towards their next pre-order. This is a generation of gamer that doesn't seem to value building up game collections you can be proud of. They don't seem to place high value on uniqueness, quirkiness, creativity, etc. in game design. They want the shiniest HD graphics possible, and they want the best online modes to play on XBL. That's basically what the issue many gamers have is.

I have personaly described, in a GameStop to one of their employees even (to which he genuinely laughed and agreed), that Call of Duty specifically, has become the McDonalds of gaming. "Everyone" consumes it, but it has no real substance of value. That doesn't mean their poorly made games, nor that there's something wrong with you if you enjoy playing them. However, there IS something wrong with shitting out a new iteration of a franchise every single year, with very few real changes. You just can't honestly and earnestly put in any true effort into a game's development if you are pumping them out 1 per year. And yes, I know that CoD now has now 2 but three (apparently) seperate studios making games round the clock. Maybe they'll get to the point like they were with Guitar Hero, where they were releasing more than one a year. I'm sure they would love to be able to pull that off with CoD, and at least for awhile, I do believe those same gamers would indeed buy them both in droves.

And I don't just say this making assumptions based on nothing. I've seen it, I know people that are like this personally. Buy a "AAA" game that everyone's talking about and is hyped up, play it, beat it, trade it in and never touch it again. And that's ALL they buy, Madden, CoD, Halo, Battlefield, AC, GTA, Saints Row, Uncharted, Tomb Raider, (now apparently) Elder Scrolls, etc. etc. etc.


The problem with these games, and why some refer to them as "dudebro" games, is because that's who they're aimed at, and that is their largest audience. These college age, "GameStop kids", as I said. It's a sad and unfortunate state of the industry, and quite frankly not sustainable.