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forethought14 said:
fatslob-:O said:

You don't refer to VLIW as wii u, use proper codnames next time on your part to avoid confusion. 

As for my question of why I compare it to GCN, gpu architectures are getting more modernized by the days but it's not the wii u's fault plus it's going up against next gen consoles so it only far. If I want I could have compared it to fermi because there pretty similar and kepler isn't too far off even though it lost it's hardware schedular. 

If we take the fact that the ibm broadway can pull off 2.9 Gflops and scale it to the the ibm espresso it can only muster up 15 Gflops.

BTW what is featured in the PS4/X1 will be able to pull off around 100 Gflops.

You overestimated it's capabilites.

Edit: Holy crap I just realized something, The PS4/X1's cpu is 30% as strong as the WII U GPU. 

Dude what the hell is wrong with you? Wii U's Latte likely has VLIW architecture, which is why I'm refering to it as "VLIW", what part of that don't you understand?

You're basing this on GFLOPS? Lol, in that case, next-generation CPUs are less powerful than Cell and only on-par with Xenon! Cell does over 200GFLOPS......Xenon does about 115 GFLOPS (can't remember the exact number). One thing's for sure, if Espresso was clock - for - clock with Xenon and Cell, and with 15GFLOPS, there's ABSOLUTELY no way it would run ANY games ported from those two consoles. But, you're forgetting that it's not the same architecture, nor is the same instruction set, nor is it.....plainly simple....similar. Completely different architectures. By the the "over 100GFLOPS" including 8 cores or 6. Well, Let me put it this in the matmul SIMD tests per-core (I'll use blu's tests as a base, maybe off since I'm using those numbers as bases and actual performance may vary, but not significantly):

PowerPC 750CL Broadway @ 729mhz = 4446.666

PowerPC 750CL Espresso @ 1.24ghz = 7581.902

AMD Bobcat @ 1.3ghz = 5619.728

AMD Jaguar @ 1.6ghz - 2.0 ghz(let's put an extra 15% performance increase because that's what AMD documents say) = 7757.164 - 9696.455 (not exactly sure considering how it may be slightly modified in PS4/X1, so somewhere inbetween)

Well, if a measly Espresso can be this competitive with Jaguar....then Lol....

Xenon does 70 Gflops.

BTW bobcat is totally different from Jaguar. (The PS4/X1 can pull off 100 Gflops like I said earlier.)

Flops depends on SIMD engines and you know this 

Read my other edits at last post.

Edit: The architecture would have to be the same in order for the WII U to play WII games and plus they can't change anything drastic otherwise bye bye to backwards compatibility.