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Who said anything about it being quiet? The only time its not quiet is when there is a disc in there, which you wont hear with the TV on. I dont know why its always spinning when its not being played though ;/

People do care about the space and machine efficiency/reliability, at least in Japan they do. Someone always mentions their space concerns to me when they talk about getting new consoles, along with them not being backwards compatible.

The chip set is way better than the PS360. Hell the devs cant even get the full power out of the 360 because of the PS3, and the WiiU is much better than both of them.

See even Sony is doing the same thing, ( look at their design for the PS4)

There is a reason no developer has made those comparisons after the initial launch period. Contrary to what some may believe the WiiU isnt a souped up Xbox 360 either.  Its an amalgamation of hardware design, if anything its kind of like a BMW while everything else is a first class Dodge RAM. 


The reason the Gamepad costs anywhere near that 60$ anyway is due to the functionality and what they packed into it. ( The screens, the flawless streaming, the nfc, the screen density) Also why the battery only lasts 3 hours(good thing they made it so you can replace it)