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forethought14 said:
fatslob-:O said:

I'm not saying it will be useless but it's just that VLIW is known to have alot of shaders to stalls on compute tasks and if I remember correctly the xbox 360 did introduce unified shaders but they weren't programmable compared to the WII U because programmable graphics pipelines were only introduced in the DirectX10 days so I don't think the 360 was capable on alot of gpgpu workloads. BTW gpgpu is still awkward even to alot of game developers. 

If I were you I would ignore ninjablade.

Again, it's awkward because many don't have much experience using such things. I know, VLIW4/5 GPGPU isn't as easy to impliment as GCN, they improved the operations with the architecture, but that doesn't matter. If developers want to improve their games, they will learn how to use it on Wii U, learn to make it not so awkward. It being "awkward" is no excuse to ignore it completely. 

I should huh.... O_o...

@Bold Not just the operation were impoved on the architecture. They improved caching, sheduling, and the whole programmability of the gcn gpu's compared to the VLIW gpu's. Developers will practically do almost nothing for the PS4/xbone to utilize gpgpu because they can just rely on amd's HSA bolt library to do most of the work for them and this is allowed because gcn has expanded programmability.

Like I said I don't think ninjablade knows anything about hardware.