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Mr Khan said:
ninjablade said:

i just dont see how developers would say its only slightly faster or on par if it was 300 sp, all signs point tio it being a 160sp modern gpu, mening it slighlty better then the 360 gpu, cause if it was a modern 320 sp gpu it would blow 360/ps3 out of the water, pluse you have extra ram, there is just now way there would be that many inferior ports if it was  320sp all imo of course.

You discount how little 3rd parties care about making games for Wii U. They look bad because of the C or D-rank devs making games for them (Ubisoft Shanghai for Splinter Cell, case in point), not with anything to do with the hardware. How many 3rd party Wii games made the console look unfavorable compared to PS2?

The only fair comparison would be for a game made for the Wii U first, or at least co-developed by the same team and not some 3rd-world studio.

Can you like close this thread before the hate goes out of hand ?