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dahuman said:
MDMAlliance said:
ninjablade said:
Mr Khan said:
It is wild that, almost a year after the hardware releases, developers are not allowed to detail the GPU. There's a difference between Nintendo not trumpeting the system's specs and forbidding others to do so. What do they gain from that opacity?

the reason is  nintendo is embarrassed  to show there specs , its a 160 sp gpu, and nintendo wants to keep it a secret, no other company hides there specs like nintendo, and nintendo only started hiding there specs, with the wii brand, and the reason is, because the specs are embarrasing compared to the competition

I knew you were bound to show up eventually, because any time there's a thread about a Nintendo product and hardware power... you have something to say.  Don't you have anything better to do?

No, he talks shit all day about things he doesn't understand and quotes speculations instead of confirmed sources, we've covered that many times already. Just keep in mind that if you ignore something long enough, maybe it'd get bored and go away.

lol i talk  shit taht always right, even my sales prediction on the wiiu was dead on since last december, and by the way there are some new quotes from developers about the wiiu hardare saying it par with currentgen, slightly better. and a developer from neogaf also commented on the hardawre saying its very close to currentgen interms of performance.