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cbarroso09 said:
Mr Khan said:
It is wild that, almost a year after the hardware releases, developers are not allowed to detail the GPU. There's a difference between Nintendo not trumpeting the system's specs and forbidding others to do so. What do they gain from that opacity?

if you take a look at what they have done with the GPU and CPU inside the Wii U, they have a lot to hide from not only the public and publishers, but mostly from the other companies. Even though Wii U is backward compatible it doesn't have a separated Wii chip inside. The equivalent of it is embeded on the Wii U GPU itself allowing it to be used for both the Wii and Wii U games. Who knows what else does it have. Nintendo has spent too much money and time trying to do those kind of things that are different from any other architecture seen before that they just decided to keep it on the shadow. It is more a bussiness strategy than any other thing. Besides, developers can see all of those things by themselves by just talking their moment with the hardware, but of course they are thinking on making one game alone for the console, so they really don't care how the game performs. Also, they rarely deliver a game without need of patches. I am talking about big third party publishers. 

I doubt there is any fixed Wii TEV functions in the Wii U GPU since those can be done with emulation mode on the actual Wii U GPU as the TEV is so much weaker compared to the Wii U GPU anyways, hurray to programmable shaders! The functions they had to keep was the CPU compatibility to run the code smoothly so they kept the same base CPU config for better I/O compatibility for BC and added more to it(higher clock rate, 2 more cores, more cache etc.) That's how I'd do it anyways.

As far as Shin'en goes, they are not saying anything new on that front, we already know the eDRAM is fast, bigger than 360, and much more efficient in design compared to 7th gen consoles at a good fraction on power usage. I just don't understand why some people are so quick to jump to conclusions about it's power when the SDK is still so young, it's not like we won't run into the same issues with the new consoles coming out. Things will only get better over time, at the very least on first party projects lol.