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Sure. No problem.

Sonic: 42 KM/t
CT: 34KM/t
Fox: 24 KM/T
Sheik and ZZS: 22KM/T
Meta: 20KM/T
Chari and PIKA: 20KM/T
Diddy and Marth: 19KM/T
Yoshi: 18KM/T
DK and TL: 19KM/T (the moron who wrote this can't do math)
Pit: 17KM/T
Samus: 16KM/T
Dedede, Peach, Zelda, Luigi, Snake, Link, Ike, Squirtle, Kirby, Olimar, Wolf, NEss and IC: 14-15KM/T
Ganondorf: 13KM/T
Jiggy: 12KM/T

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS