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I think the #1 reason for hating all those games is probably because all of them were true games at one point in their series' but now they have all become yearly rehash barely innovative games that just continue to do well for no reason. I don't hate any of the dudebro games I actually quite enjoy them all. The noticeable flaws and these games predecessors and successors should be recognized upon looking at the whole series.

COD was once a game that innovated with each sequel and had a nice fairly balanced multiplayer up until maybe mw1 or waw. Then MW2 introduced all the additional unneeded crazyness to the series and now people hate it.

BF was once a hardcore elitist type PC game. The more console centric it became with bad company it was clearly obvious that battlefield 3 isn't/wasn't going to be a true successor (which it really isn't besides in name) to BF2 but thats a whole nother discussion, people now hate BF. BF4 now looks like exactly the same as bf3 just with minor improvements so yearly rehash COD style almost.

Killzone 2 also apparently had some hardcore following for its multiplayer and also a server browser with customizable setting but then Killzone 3 COD-ified its multiplayer with matchmaking and people hate it now.

Halo again with reach it added some Cod elements to its multiplayer and overall gameplay and that was very very minor but Halo 4 really really reached for Cod implementation and now multiplayer seems incredibly different in general. Now people hate halo.

Madden is Madden. Haters gon' hate.

These are not my personal views but these are the reasons it seems to me for when and why the hating started in the first place.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia