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I don't like spiders but I will capture (in a glass) and release them. Mosquitoes are the main insect I will kill on site due to the bitches being blood suckers. I don't fear snakes too much but being surprised by one would possibly frighten me a little (at least make me jump back). I was on an outside field trip for a plant class one time and a guy in front of me stepped on a rattler (was walking through grass). He luckily stepped on its head so he wasn't bitten. He was able to back away from it and it went off. I later saw probably the same snake crossing in front of the dirt path about 10 yards in front of me while I was thinking about hopefully not running into him.

I get shaky on heights but mainly on ladders or something not so secure. If I am on a stable platform then I don't mind it at all but if I am on a narrow mountain path or something else then I will be extra careful. I don't like very slanted roofs or anything like that. I could never be a roofer.

I'm a pretty decent sized guy so I don't fear getting into fights. Most of the times if I smile at a person or look friendly then I will get a friendly response back. I have gotten myself into a bad spot a few times like with a joke that went bad at a keg party... Guy was filling up cups with the tap and was pretty drunk. Girl had wide mouth can (when they were popular in the early 2000s) which was punched out so it was an extra wide mouth. The guy could barely fill her up because he kept moving his hand around all drunk. I made a comment about not being able to put it in with a hole that big (pussy related joke) and the girl laughed. The guy immediately looked at me angry and then started choking me with one hand. I believe I had my iguana Smokie on my shoulder at this party and I wasn't looking to get into fight. My hands clenched first but then I looked around and all my friends were inside and I didn't know anyone outside. This guy also had 3-4 times bigger arms than me (he was a back lineman for Texas Tech). He left me with enough air space to be able to talk to him which I told him I wasn't looking for trouble and to please stop choking me. He eventually let me go... Sorry went off on long story there... There is more to it but I'll spare ya guys. Basically don't fuck with me because I'll go cheap. Only real fight I was in I eye gouged a guy because I thought it would be better to do that than to break his nose. I suppose I was too stoned and thought of Three Stooges. He ended up with dislocated shoulder and a few of his frat friends got choked, punched and submitted by a bunch of stoners.  The fight was over chicken strips that one of my friends threw in front of his door at the dorms.

Probably the biggest thing I fear is getting a STD.  I get checked pretty much after each partner and I go through a stage of worry until I get checked.  I usually have girlfriends for extended amount of times so I don't worry then but sometimes I fuck up and do a one nighter which is what worries me the most.  Basically, I need to stop fucking sluts and stick to girlfriends.