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i couldn't care less for Monster Hunter. recycling games is just awful. but i have seen two or three people who complained. "i don't buy a vita unless there is a MH on it". and i also saw one guy "ok, now i will buy a vita", even if the game has been on every other platform before.

Gravity Rush 2: Oh yeah. This is awesome. Let's hope vita owners will also buy it. After all the hype Killzone got, its sales are... embarassing so far. What's the next vita savior to look forward to? GE2 in Japan, but for the west? KZ should have done the trick, but didn't. Anything on the horizon? Oh jeah, guess what - Borderlands 2 will flop too.

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse